


Agenda-Setting Effect of Online Disaster Communication: Interactions through Facebook Posts and Comments during the Kaohsiung Gas Explosions




譚躍(Yue Tan);蕭蘋(Ping Shaw)


社群媒體 ; 電腦內容分析 ; 議題設定 ; 災難報導 ; 高雄氣爆 ; 情感動員 ; social media ; computerized content analysis ; agenda-setting effect ; disaster report ; Kaohsiung gas explosions ; emotional mobilization




138期(2019 / 01 / 01)


163 - 224






This study examines interactions between the news media and internet users in Facebook groups during the two months following the 2014 Kaohsiung gas explosions. The news media samples include three major newspapers in Taiwan (Apple Daily, United Daily, and Liberty Times) and four internet-based news outlets (New Talk, Independent Comments of Commonwealth, News Lens, and Storm Media). We conduct a computerized content analysis, which unlike a traditional content analysis, allows us to more objectively deal with a large amount of content. Using this method, we studied posts and comments related to the gas explosions in terms of their volume and content (i.e., topics, positive and negative emotions, and cognitive processing). We find that these posts and comments paid more attention to the cognitive aspect of the disaster than to positive and negative emotions. Further, while both the media and audience paid close attention to the government’s disaster management, in contrast with the news media, the audience’s cognitive processing diminished over time and thus, related knowledge could not be accumulated. This study also examines the impact of media posts on Facebook fans' comments while controlling for time sequence in a natural environment, which is similar to a quasi-experiment, and doing so improved both external and internal validities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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