


A preliminary exploration of the possible interlinks between communication study and issues of retirement: A research proposal based on the life story approach




蔡琰(Yean Tsai);臧國仁(Kuo-Jen Tsang)


退休 ; 生命故事研究 ; 老人傳播研究 ; aging communication ; life story research ; retirement




140期(2019 / 07 / 01)


1 - 39






The purpose of this paper is to examine the possibility of combining the two subjects of retirement and communication studies. After reviewing a series of literature works on "retirement," mostly in the area of social gerontology, the paper discusses the meaning of life stories and traces its origins as well as interdisciplinary potentials. We then suggest a theoretical proposal in the final section trying to link the research traditions of retirement and life stories, because narrating each retiree's own story should offer the advantages of exchanging life values and experiences.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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