


Writing Discipline: Authorial Identity in Academic Discourse




紀慧君(Huei-Chun Chi)


自我定位 ; 學術書寫 ; 作者身分 ; 學門 ; 語藝 ; self-positioning ; academic writing ; authorial identity ; discipline ; rhetoric




140期(2019 / 07 / 01)


127 - 167






Academic writing in the past was seen as a description of the reality, placing the author in the "impersonal" position. However, many studies point out that writing is a constructive act, and writers use a variety of positioning techniques to highlight their identity and to convey credibility and relationships with others. We thus use the "self-positioning" perspective to explore how researchers construct their identity in academic writing. In writing, researchers seek recognition of their academic community. As such we analyze the research proposals of Ministry of Science and Technology, explore how applicants position themselves in academic writing, and look into how the applicants construct their own identity in order to present their research problems and show their connection with the studied discipline.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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