


Bullet Subtitle of the "Joyduser": virtual instant play in the intertextual context




王楠(Wang Nan)


彈幕 ; 悅T人 ; 虛擬即時 ; 互文 ; 遊戲 ; BS ; Joyduser ; Virtual instant ; intertext ; play




141期(2019 / 10 / 01)


129 - 179






In the Internet world of China, a special video site with "Bullet Subtitle" (BS for short) has recently become popular very quickly, especially among the young generation, therefore leading to some movie distributors to pay close attention. The so-called "Bullet Subtitle" originated from the word "barrage," referring to bullets flying across the screen as subtitles. As these subtitles are all comments from video viewers, they allow system users' various comments to be transmitted and displayed on the screen instantly. This study attempts to conduct some critical adjustment to the "audience" theory through the outstanding case of BS video, in order to explore the newly created term "Joyduser", which infers to the audience's character being turned into a group of people who are both "producer" and "user", whereby seeking pleasure is their main purpose for watching videos on the Internet. This paper examines the inspiration brought by BS, with an aim to enrich the meaning of this new concept and explore the essence of BS activities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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