


The "Mediatization" of Labor and the "Laboring" of Media: The Connotation, Status Quo, and Future of Digital Labor Studies




姚建華(Jianhua Yao);徐偲驌(Sisu Xu)


數位勞動 ; 知識勞動 ; 媒介化 ; 勞動化 ; digital labor ; knowledge labor ; mediatization ; laboring




141期(2019 / 10 / 01)


181 - 214






With the field of digital labor studies as a fruitful area for academic research, scholarly attention is no longer circumscribed within the scope of prosumers and playbors on new media platforms. Instead, emerging areas have caught scholarly attention, such as digital labor in the gig economy, mental labor in the traditional employment relationship, and even manual labor who extract raw materials and manufacture electronic products. This article first summarizes the latest findings in digital labor studies. Second, employing a problem-oriented approach, this article seeks to answer the following questions: What are the core differences between digital labor (as an analytic category) and knowledge labor, mental labor, and immaterial labor, to name just a few? Is there a paradigm shift when the philosophical foundation of digital labor is compared to that of other kinds of labor? How do digital labor studies interact with other recent developments in communication research? Third, this article proposes that digital labor actually penetrates into current society along two parallel paths-the "mediatization" of labor and the "laboring" of media. Finally, it examines the possible path to make digital labor less alienated.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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