


A Longitudinal Study on the Impact of Mobile Internet on Wired Internet and Traditional Media Use among Generational Cohorts




李政忠(Cheng-Chung Lee)


跨時性分析 ; 世代差異 ; 行動上網 ; 取代效果 ; 互補效果 ; longitudinal study ; generational cohort difference ; mobile Internet ; replacement effect ; complementarity effect




141期(2019 / 10 / 01)


83 - 127






Based on secondary data collected during 2012-2016, this paper investigates how the increasing popularity of mobile Internet has impacted the time spent on wired Internet and traditional media. The research also examines the differences among generational cohorts and the trend of longitudinal changes. Relatively speaking, the younger the generation is, the more time is spent online, both wireless and wired. The generational differences in traditional media are limited to newspapers and television viewing. The time spent on wired and mobile Internet has increased rapidly over the past five years, but has not significantly reduced the time spent on traditional media except for newspaper. Results also point to a more complementary relationship than displacement between Internet use and traditional media use.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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