


"Social-network-manager" journalism: The impacts of social media and messaging apps on the journalistic profession




劉昌德(Chang-de Liu)


新科技 ; 社群編輯 ; 客觀性 ; 社群行銷 ; 情感互動 ; new technologies ; social media managers ; objectivity ; social network marketing ; affective interactions




142期(2020 / 01 / 01)


1 - 58






The rapid growth of social media and messaging apps has changed how people access information and how journalists report news. In order to analyze the impact of new social network technologies on journalism, this research conducts quantitative content analysis on a total of 16,900 news reports and social network media posts by six Taiwanese news organizations and processes quantitative semi-structured interviews with 11 journalists who manage Facebook fan pages and official LINE accounts. First, the results of content analysis demonstrate that the usages of "non-hard news" and "emotional or interactional headlines" on social media and messaging apps are significantly higher than that on websites. Furthermore, the preferences of non-traditional news value posts on Facebook and LINE are general among the various news media, including newspapers, televisions, and online media. Second, the results of in-depth interviews reveal that the most important principle for social media managers to choose posts and produce headlines is "forward-referring" by which users are motivated to click hyperlinks and read news stories. Objectivity, the core concept of traditional journalism, is challenged by social media managers who usually emotionally express their attitudes on non-public issues and interact intimately with their audiences. The research concludes that this emerging journalistic profession, which is different from traditional journalism and reshaped by social media and messaging apps, emphasizes on affective interactions, de-politicization, and marketing orientation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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