


The 1912-3 Bureau of Merits of the Nanking Provisional Government and the Sending of Merits Students Studying Abroad




賴淑卿(Shu-Ching Lai)


南京臨時政府 ; 稽勳局 ; 留學 ; Nanking Provisional Government ; Bureau of Merits ; Overseas study




22期(2009 / 12 / 01)


57 - 95






As advised by Dr. Sun Yat-sen in his attempt to avoid giving political rewards And to help selected elite students to develop their careers after the successful revolution of 1911, about eighty revolutionary leaders who, after having rendered signal service towards the overthrow of the Ch'ing dynasty and the establishment of the Republic of China and having been checked and passed the merits test, were each given an opportunity by the Peking government to receive education abroad. They were the first batch of students to be so sent by the Republican government. These once-again students were all in their early twenties and mostly came from Kwangtung and other revolutionary provinces. Before their selection, most of them had dropped out of schools either at home or abroad for the sake of joining Dr. Sun's revolutionary appeal as soldiers or other capacities and served as secretaries in various ministries and departments of the Nanking provisional government. Most of these merits students were admitted by the colleges in the United States, France, Japan or other countries of Europe to study various subjects relating to humanities, sciences and engineering which were supposed to help developing the new country, while some of them just investigated conditions of the countries they traveled. About twenty persons of the batch managed to get either their respective Ph.D or the M.A. degrees, and in their returning home, some of them devoted themselves to political, economic and educational construction of the country, making their due contributions as planned.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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