


Hu Jing-Yi and the Later Development of the Nation-Pacifying Army at Shaansi




葉惠芬(Hui-Fen Yeh)


胡景翼 ; 陳樹藩 ; 西安拘囚 ; 直軍入陝 ; 靖國軍易幟之爭 ; Hu Jing-Yi ; Chen Shu-Fan ; imprisonment at Xian ; the entrance of the Hebei Army into Shaansi ; the struggle in the change of the banner of the Nation-Pacifying Army




29期(2011 / 09 / 01)


1 - 53






In response to the Constitutional Protection Movement initiated by Sun Yat-Sen in 1918, the Nation-Pacifying Army at Shaansi abruptly started a war to combat the Northern Warlords for a very long period. It became one of the strongest forces in protecting the Constitution. At this critical moment, however, one of its high ranking officers, Hu Jing-Yi, was imprisoned at Xian by Chen Shu-Fan, the governor of Shaansi. It was a big blow to the development of the Nation-Pacifying Army. Fortunately, within the two years Hu was imprisoned, the Commander-in-chief of the Army, Yu You-Ren, with the help of other officers, was able to lead the Army to confront Chen for some time.In 1920 Ru was released and returned to the Army as the General Director, propelling the army to a new stage. The two years in prison gave him new insights about the direction of the Army in the future and the situation of Shaansi as well. At the same time, the Hebei Army also entered Shaansi and replaced Chen's league which ruled by the dictatorship of the Anhwei Army. This was a new ordeal to the future of the Nation-Pacifying Army. In order to end the long-lasting war, to release the people from sufferings, and to bring a stable situation to Shaansi, Hu decided to let his Nation-Pacifying Army be reorganized under the leadership of the Hebei Army.Hu was definitely the most important figure in the later development of the Nation-Pacifying Army. This paper focuses on the changes of Hu's mindset, from the transformation that occurred when he was in prison to the processes when he changed the banner of the Army to that of the Hebei regime. Not only had he undergone many struggles within himself, he also endeavored to resolve many difficult problems during the process of transferring his army to the Hebei regime.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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