


Politics, Power and Critique in Early Republic of China: Resistance from and Pursuit of Anarchist Groups Affiliated with Lin Shi-Fu


周麗卿(Li-Ching Chou)


劉師復 ; 無政府主義 ; 陳獨秀 ; 馬克思主義 ; Liu Shi-fu ; Anarchism ; Zhen Du-xiu ; Maxism




42期(2014 / 12 / 01)


1 - 30






Drawing on a case study of various publications by anarchist groups affiliated with Liu Shi-fu in early Republic of China, this essay illustrates that those anarchist groups which chose to express their arguments for civil rights and anarchist ideas through publishing magazines in order to generate an impetus for ideological mobilization in their resistance to the nation state, were faced with subsequent suppression and coercion by the authority, and were being labeled as "radical groups." It is then necessary to further investigate how these anarchist groups still managed to cope with such political reality and risks, to engender new initiatives, and even to promote cultural movements in Zhangzhou(漳州). Nevertheless, it should be noted that in addition to resistance to governmental authority, the anarchist groups affiliated with Liu Shi-fu also had to cope with emerging issues in the aftermath of the May Fourth Movement, together with their own sort of problem of how to respond to fellow socialists' internal struggles over the blueprints or roadmaps, particularly those concerned with nation-state, power and class issues that were in conflict with "the dictatorship of the proletariat" enshrined by Marxism. This essay strongly suggests that a thorough thinking over these questions above with respect to the insight and pursuit of these anarchist groups affiliated with Liu Shi-fu would greatly facilitate further grappling with Chinese politics in early Republic of China.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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