


Chiang Kai-shek's Preparedness and Response to Chemical Warfare before and after the Sino-Japanese War


皮國立(Kuo-Li Pi)


蔣介石 ; 中日戰爭 ; 化學戰 ; 軍事現代化 ; 毒氣 ; Chiang Kai-shek ; Sino-Japanese War ; chemical warfare ; military modernization ; poison gas




43期(2015 / 03 / 01)


53 - 92






In the Anti-Japanese War, chemical warfare was usually compared to many war crimes, such as the Nanjing Massacre. There are many brilliant second-hand studies concerning chemical warfare in the past. However, these mainly focused on two themes, "war crimes" and "abandoned chemical weapons." And because these cared about victims-the people at lower levels, the historical perspectives of people at that time have been inevitably added. Before and during the Sino-Japanese Chemical War, armies bore the brunt. To provide a new perspective on chemical warfare, it is necessary to investigate China's understanding of the new technology-chemical weapons at that time , and national armies' readiness and responses to the actual battlefields. Therefore, in order to investigate the coping strategies adopted by national armies at that time from the perspective of leaders in China, this study tries to integrate the Chiang Kai-shek studies, which have seldom used in the past. There are three expected contributions in this study: First , an inspection of the thought and action of Chiang Kai-shek, the supreme commander of battlefields in China, as representative of the discussion of the responses and decisions made by the government and armies at "higher levels ," which can strengthen the less discussed parts in the past history of chemical warfare. Second, the first-hand documents, such as the "Chiang files" which have subsequently published as the The Chiang Kai-shek Collections: The Chronological Events, which include many records of chemical warfare, and are seldom used in the past by scholars in history both of chemical warfare and the Sino-Japanese War. Third, an investigation of these files can help understand the status of chemical warfare in the overall history of the Sino-Japanese War, as well as making up the deficiency of the past studies. What has been and will be the status of the entire chemical warfare in modem wars? Chemical War is a link of modem wars. An investigation of the rise of chemical warfare technology-related industry and procurement of anti-chemical weapon devices in China not only can help define the status of chemical warfare in the history of science, but also can be used as a long-lasting observation for understanding China's pursuit of military modernization.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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