


The 1928 to 1936 Reforms of the Inspectorate of Salt Revenue under the National Government of China: A Preliminary Study


葉美珠(Mei-Chu Yeh)


國民政府 ; 財政部 ; 鹽務稽核所 ; 善後大借款 ; 鹽稅 ; National Government of China ; Ministry of Finance ; Inspectorate of Salt Revenue ; reorganization loan ; salt revenue




49期(2016 / 09 / 01)


1 - 3+5-32






The Inspectorate of Salt Revenue was first set up in 1913, as a result of the Reorganization Loan, which concluded the Peking government's negotiations with foreign powers with its commitment of all China's salt revenues to the repayment of the foreign loans through the reorganization of its Salt Administration. After the victory of the Northern Expedition, the Nanjing government began gradually to resume the functioning of the Inspectorate of Salt Revenue. From 1928 to 1936, the Ministry of Finance took charge of major reforms of the Inspectorate of Salt Revenue. These reforms were adopted to: 1. Amend the articles of the Inspectorate and investigate the Salt Administration. 2. Resume the functions of the Inspectorate and collect Salt Revenue through the central government. 3. Incorporate the Salt Administration and expand the entire system of the Inspectorate. 4. Facilitate an overhaul of the internal administration of the Inspectorate. 5. Amend the Organic Act of the Ministry of Finance in 1936, to incorporate the Salt Administration which was restructured and renamed the Salt Administration in April, 1937. This preliminary study aims to understand the Salt Administration's reform and development through which the Inspectorate of Salt Revenue by the organization was established, incorporated, reconstructed and expanded. The study concludes that, with increasing fiscal income as the main objective of the national government, the Nanjing govenment restored and expanded the entire system of the Inspectorate of Salt Revenue. This did help the government to collect Salt Revenue stably and contribute much Salt Revenue to public finance. However, the probable effects from imperialism could not be ignored, because foreigners at the Salt Administration continued to be employed until the abolishment of unequal treaties near the end of WWII.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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