


The Bombing Campaign on Formosa during World War II (1938-1945)


杜正宇(Cheng-yu Tu)


臺灣 ; 二戰 ; 美國 ; 轟炸 ; Taiwan ; World War II ; United States ; bombing




51期(2017 / 03 / 01)


59 - 95




本文主要透過美國國家檔案館(National Archives and Records Administration, NARA)、澳洲國家檔案館(The National Archives of Australia, NAA)等地典藏之原始檔案,分析二戰期間各國對臺灣轟炸的主要階段,以及各階段之攻擊原因、攻勢與對臺之戰術與戰略轟炸。至於臺灣各地受創之情況,則透過1945年9-12月間,美國不同單位,數梯次對臺之轟炸調查,加以釐清。


Based on the records from the National Archives and Records Administration and the National Archives of Australia, this article analyses the main periods of air raids on Taiwan by the Allies, together with the reasons, offensives, strategies and tactics adopted for different stages. For rebuilding the disaster scenes, this article traces its sources back to several U.S. investigations carried out from September to December, 1945.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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