


Return to the Paradise of Sinsiang: Father Thomas Megan's Activities During the Chinese Civil War


吳蕙芳(Huey-fang Wu)


天主教聖言會 ; 教會史 ; 傳教事業 ; 抗戰時期 ; 河南新鄉 ; Catholic Society of the Divine Word ; church history ; missionary work ; Second Sino-Japanese War ; Sinsiang of Henan Province




53期(2017 / 09 / 01)


71 - 73+75-108




米幹神父( Fr. Thomas M. Megan, 1899-1951)為愛爾蘭裔美籍聖言會(Societas Verbi Divini,簡稱SVD)會士,1919年正式入聖言會芝加哥會院接受陶成教育,1926年晉鐸後被派至中國河南南部信陽福傳,1933年河南北部新鄉成為聖言會新的傳教區,1936年米幹神父被指派為首任監牧,此後直至1948年返回美國為止,其在中國持續服務長達20年以上。綜觀米幹神父在中國的福傳生涯,可概分為3階段,即河南信陽時期的10年(1926-1936)、河南新鄉時期約8年(1936-1941、1945-1948)、及穿插於前後兩次新鄉期間、因戰亂在華北數地機動性工作時期共3年多(1941-1945),各階段均有其相應成果,亦值得深入了解。本文主要關注米幹神父於國共內戰時期(1945-1949)之相關活動,即1941年底因珍珠港事件爆發,其被迫離開為日軍占領之新鄉傳教區,到1945年二戰結束,得重回新鄉並欲重建傳教事業;惟1948年其短暫離中返美後,卻被教廷禁止再回到中國,然米幹神父仍心懸新鄉傳教區事,最終於1949年答應接受新的安排,到美國南方的非裔堂區服務,兩年後(1951)因病亡故,葬於聖言會美國南方省會之墓園。究竟米幹神父於1945年重返新鄉傳教區後有何作為?其作為之規劃基礎為何?執行之成效又如何?曾遭遇何種挫折與困難?又如何面對難關與解決問題?本文欲透過相關之檔案、信件、報告、文章等一、二手史料釐清前述問題,以供學界參考利用。


Father Thomas M. Megan (1899-1951) was an Irish-American member of the Society of the Divine Word (Societas Verbi Divini, SVD). In 1919 he became an official SVD student and was educated at Techny Seminary of the Chicago Province. After being ordained a priest in 1926, Fr. Megan was dispatched for mission work to Sinyang in southern Henan Province, China. In 1933 Sinsiang in northern Henan became a new SVD mission area and he was promoted to be the first apostolic prefect there in 1936. Before finally returning to the United States in 1948, Fr. Megan had served in China for more than 20 consecutive years. His missionary work in China may be divided into three stages: 10 years in Sinyang (1926-1936), about 8 years in Sinsiang (1936-194 I and 1945-1948), and more than 3 years in itinerant and temporary work in northern China during the Second World War (1941-1945); each of these periods was associated with distinctive achievements. This study focuses on the activities of Fr. Megan during the Chinese Civil War (1945-1949). Fr. Megan was forced to leave the Japanese-occupied Sinsiang mission area following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. He returned to Sinsiang only after the end of World War II, with the desire to rebuild missionary work there. However, during a brief trip back to the United States in 1948 he was prohibited from returning to China by the Vatican. Although Fr. Megan remained concerned about the parishes in Sinsiang mission area, he finally agreed to a new arrangement in 1949 and served at an African-American parish in southern United States. Two years later Fr. Megan passed away due to illness and was buried at the cemetery of the Society of the Divine Word, Southern Province. What did Fr. Megan accomplish after he returned to Sinsiang mission area in 1945? What was the basis of his planning and what were the results of his plan? What kind of setbacks and difficulties did Fr. Megan encounter? How did he face the predicaments and solve problems? This study tries to answer the aforementioned questions through an analysis of firsthand and secondhand historical data, including archival materials, letters, reports and articles, in order to provide a reference for future academic use.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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  2. SVD General Archives, Rome, Italy. “Prospectus Status Missionis-28 Julii, 1937.”
  3. Megan, Thomas. “Honan in War-Time.” The Christian Family and Our Missions, December 1938.
  4. Megan, Thomas. “Our New Mission in China.” The Christian Family and Our Missions, June 1934.
  5. Megan, Thomas. “Chinese Catholics Aim at National Unity.” The Christian Family and Our Missions, May 1945.
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  8. SVD Robert M. Myers Archives, Techny, Chicago, U.S.A. “Letter from Fr. Thomas Megan to Fr. Robert Hunter” (undated).
  9. SVD General Archives, Rome, Italy. Megan, Thomas, “Statement of the difficulties experienced by the Catholic Mission of Sinsiang with the Japanese Authorities, in regard to property of the Catholic Mission” (December 19, 1939), in “Letter from Fr. Thomas Megan to Fr. Joseph Grendel” (December 20, 1939).
  10. Megan, Thomas. “Red.” Seminary, Bulletin, Christmas, 1947.
  11. SVD General Archives, Rome, Italy. “Letter from Fr. Thomas Megan to Fr. Aloysius Kappenberg” (February 25, 1948).
  12. SVD General Archives, Rome, Italy. “Letter from Fr. Thomas Megan to Fr. Aloysius Kappenberg” (April 7, 1948).
  13. SVD General Archives, Rome, Italy. “Letter from Fr. Thomas Megan to Fr. Joseph Grendel” (February 20, 1939).
  14. SVD General Archives, Rome, Italy. “Prospectus Status Missionis-15 Augustii, 1939.”
  15. Megan, Thomas. “Across the Red Border .” Little Missionary, November 1946.
  16. Megan, Thomas. “Can the Missionaries Work with China's Red?” The Christian Family and Our Missions, March 1947.
  17. SVD Robert M. Myers Archives, Techny, Chicago, U.S.A. “Last Will and Testament of Thomas Megan” (June 21, 1949).
  18. 《大公報》,重慶,1943年。
  19. Megan, Thomas. “War-Time Worries of a Mission Bishop.” The Christian Family and Our Missions, January 1942.
  20. SVD General Archives, Rome, Italy. “Letter from Fr. Thomas Megan to Fr. Aloysius Kappenberg” (November 21, 1947).
  21. SVD General Archives, Rome, Italy.“Letter from Fr. Thomas Megan to Fr. Joseph Grendel” (November 8, 1937).
  22. “Monsignor Megan, S.V.D.” Maryknoll Magazine, June 1944.
  23. SVD General Archives, Rome, Italy. “Letter from Fr. Thomas Megan to Fr. Aloysius Kappenberg” (November 4, 1947).
  24. SVD General Archives, Rome, Italy. “Letter from Fr. Thomas Megan to Fr. Anthony May” (November 9, 1944).
  25. SVD General Archives, Rome, Italy. “Letter from Fr. Thomas Megan to Fr. Anthony May” (March 17, 1944).
  26. SVD Robert M. Myers Archives, Techny, Chicago, U.S.A. “Letter from Fr. Thomas Megan to Fr. Robert Hunter” (March 14, 1949).
  27. White, Theodore H. and Jacoby, Annalee. Thunder Out of China. New York: William Sloane Associates, Inc., 1946.
  28. Megan, Thomas. “Goodby China Hello USA.” The Christian Family and Our Missions, May 1948.
  29. “War Front and Mission Front”. The Christian Family and Our Missions, November 1942.
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  31. 趙誼琳女士口訪紀錄,於中國河南新鄉市南高村教堂,2017年7月18日。
  32. SVD Robert M. Myers Archives, Techny, Chicago, U.S.A. Wojniak, Edward J. and others, “Father Thomas Megan” (undated).
  33. “Chronicle of St. Mary's Mission House.” The Christian Family and Our Missions, March 1948.
  34. Megan, Thomas. “First Things First.” The Christian Family and Our Missions, March 1943.
  35. Megan, Thomas. “Optimists by Choice.” The Christian Family and Our Missions, May 1941.
  36. Megan, Thomas. “Escape From the Invaders.” The Christian Family and Our Missions, February 1945.
  37. SVD General Archives, Rome, Italy. “Letter from Fr. Thomas Megan to Fr. Aloysius Kappenberg” (March 16, 1948).
  38. SVD General Archives, Rome, Italy. “Letter from Fr. Thomas Megan to Fr. Joseph Grendel” (March 23, 1938).
  39. SVD Robert M. Myers Archives, Techny, Chicago, U.S.A. “Letter from Fr. Thomas Megan to Fr. Robert Hunter” (March 17, 1949).
  40. Megan, Thomas. “The Missionary's Greatest Cross.” The Christian Family and Our Missions, March 1947.
  41. “An interesting pen picture of Msgr. Megan was given by Father Charles Meeus, Chinese missionary, in 'The Shield'.” The Christian Family and Our Missions, February 1945.
  42. May, Anthony. “Missionary Escapes From the Communists.” The Christian Family and Our Missions, June 1947.
  43. SVD General Archives, Rome, Italy. “Letter from Fr. Thomas Megan to Fr. Joseph Grendel” (August 7, 1937).
  44. SVD General Archives, Rome, Italy. “Letter from Fr. Thomas Megan to Fr. Joseph Grendel” (July 9, 1941).
  45. SVD General Archives, Rome, Italy. “Prospectus Statue Missionis: Praefectura Apostolica-1 Julii, 1940.”
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