


The Deployment and Response of the Third War Zone's Headquarters for the Battle of Zhejiang and Jiangxi Provinces


張世瑛(Shih-ying Chang)


中日戰爭 ; 第三戰區 ; 顧祝同 ; 蔣中正 ; 浙贛會戰 ; The Sino-Japanese War ; The Third War Zone ; Ku Chu-tung ; Chiang Kai-shek ; The Campaign of Zhejiang and Jiangxi




67期(2021 / 03 / 01)


37 - 89






The of Zhejiang-Jiangxi Campaign, which lasted from May to September 1942, was one of the largest military operations in the Sino-Japanese War after Pearl Harbor and before the Ichigo offensive in 1944. This important episode of the war, however, has not received sufficient scholarly attention. To this date most studies related to the campaign have focused on the Battle of Quzhou and Chiang Kai-shek's direction of that battle, while ignoring the battle of Jinhua-Lanxi prior to it, the battles along the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway following it, as well as the performance of China's Third War Zone which shouldered the actual responsibilities of conducting the campaign. The present article intends to amend this weakness in existing scholarship by examining the deployment, response and post-campaign reviews of the Third War Zone during the entire campaign. The Third War Zone had not experienced major military operations for quite some time before the Campaign of Zhejiang and Jiangxi. In 1942, the Japanese decided to launch this offensive in hopes of accomplishing three objectives: 1) to eliminate the Nationalist effectives in the Third War Zone; 2) to destroy the airfields in Zhejiang Province so as to prevent the Americans from using them in attacking Japan; and 3) to seize critical strategic materials such as railway tracks and fluorite. They accomplished all of these without much difficulty in the campaign. Two distinct views emerge in the current scholarship on this operation. Studies in Mainland China generally criticize Chiang Kai-shek for his repeated changes in battle plans and for his decision to avoid confrontations with the Japanese, arguing that he was more concerned with preserving his military strength than with fighting the enemy. Studies in Taiwan, on the other hand, largely approve the handling of the campaign by the Third War Zone as it followed Chiang's order to avoid frontal conflicts, preserve military strength, and harass the Japanese by making covert attacks. This, according to Taiwan scholars, had been the main objective of the Nationalists in the first place. Upon closer observation, this article finds that the Nationalist forces were mainly taking cover rather than launching attacks. Hampered by poor organization, insufficient training and a problematic mind-set, most of those forces were unable to conduct effective covert attacks. As the Japanese quickly withdrew upon achieving their campaign objectives, the Chinese recovered all of the lost territories. Both China and Japan therefore claimed to be the victor afterward, and the Chinese military were able to cover up its many defeats during the campaign.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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