


The Negotiation for Importing Japanese Publications to Taiwan in the 1950s


林果顯(Guo-sian Lin)


日本出版品 ; 進口管制 ; 中日合作策進會 ; 石井光次郎 ; 矢部貞治 ; Japanese Publications ; Import Control ; The Committee for Promotion of Sino-Japanese Cooperation ; Mitsuzirou ISHII ; Teizi YABE




71期(2022 / 03 / 01)


135 - 137+139-182






To ensure its own survival, the Republic of China (ROC) adopted various control measures both inside and outside the country in the 1950s. Foreign publications carrying a large amount of unfiltered information became one of the main objects of import control. Among them, Japanese publications contained not only considerable left-wing information but also the language of a former colonial ruler of Taiwan. The government of ROC therefore imposed strict import control on Japanese publications. Japan protested about this for years because the two nations were supposed allies in the Cold War. The import control of Japanese publications in Taiwan may seem to be an internal political matter, but in fact had diplomatic implications. What this paper wants to inquire are the following: How did the ROC government and the government of Japan negotiate and compromise on this issue? Who were the principal decision makers of this policy and leading participants in the negotiations? Furthermore, why were the two countries willing to negotiate for a change in the import policy of Japanese publications in Taiwan at this time? This article points out that Japan had its own views and considerations on the issue of publications due to its domestic political situation and intellectual trend. The ROC government was prepared to open the market only slightly, thus demonstrating its commitment to cultural exchange, but the ultimate goal was still to promote and strengthen the anti-Communist alliance. In the mid-1950s, Japanese congressman Mitsuzirou Ishii, trying to enhance his candidacy for the president of the Liberal Democratic Party, led members of his think tank, the National Policy Research Association, to Taiwan and initiated the negotiation. The negotiation led to a loosening of some restrictions, but the demands by each side was never fully met. Japanese publications had not been able to enjoy comprehensive import channels in Taiwan before the end of martial law in the 1990s. A key negotiator on the Japanese side, Takushoku University president Teizi Yabe, believed that freedom of speech would enrich anti-communist ideology. He also wanted to continue the university's tradition of conducting fieldwork throughout Asia, thus improving post-war relations between Japan and other Asian countries through increased mutual understanding. He is one of the few negotiators who truly appreciated the essence of cultural exchange. This research shows that the attitude of the ROC government towards Japanese culture was not entirely inflexible, as there was still room for adjustment under a higher national strategy. The negotiation process, however, suggests that both sides tended to emphasize the instrumentality of cultural exchange. This tendency made it difficult for the import volume to avoid the interference of fluctuating diplomatic relations, and the result of this import control had a profound impact on the cultural landscape of post-war Taiwan.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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