


The Deliberation and Implementation of Freezing Chinese Assets in the United States, 1941


陳昕劭(Hsin-shao Chen)


封存資金 ; 第8832號行政命令 ; 許可證 ; 金融統制 ; Freezing Assets ; Executive Order 8832 ; General License ; Financial Control




73期(2022 / 09 / 01)


81 - 83+85-125




1941年7月26日,美國總統羅斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt)頒布第8832號封存中日在美資金命令(Executive Order 8832 Freezing Japanese and Chinese Assets in the United States)。它防止了日本透過美國金融網絡進行有礙美國國防的舉動,並以此對中國資產實行許可證制管理,加強中國政府的對外貿易和外匯地位,成為中美英平準基金正式運作的前奏,讓中國獲得期盼已久的金融援助。早在1937年12月,美國財政部就曾有封存中日資金的提議,卻因當時國務院不願過度刺激日本而作罷。1941年初蔣中正又向羅斯福提出封存資金的請求,美國政府內部雖對此進行多次磋商,仍遲遲未能決定。直至日本在1941年7月悍然向越南增兵,觸及英美在東南亞利益,促使英美等國下定決心以封存資金方式作為反制,才使關於封存資金的討論成為現實。封存中日資金令頒布後,僅實施5個月就爆發太平洋戰爭,卻已對中國與日本產生極大的影響。此令及相關許可證並未因太平洋戰爭爆發而中止,在經過修正後,成為美國於二戰期間實行金融統制行動的基礎,並一直延續到戰爭結束。本文利用中、英文原始資料,探究第8832號行政命令的沿革與實施,並透過對此一戰時重要金融統制法規的研究,說明中國方面因應封存令的意見與措施,進而分析封存令的實施對戰時中國所產生之影響。


On July 26, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8832, freezing Japanese and Chinese assets in the United States. This Executive Order was designed not only to prevent Japan from using financial facilities in the United States to harm the U.S national defense, but also to strengthen the foreign trade and exchange position of the Chinese Government via a licensing system. The latter was a long-awaited form of financial assistance to China. In fact, the U.S. Department of Treasury had proposed to freeze both the Chinese and Japanese assets in the U.S. in December 1937, shortly after the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, but the proposal had been rejected by the Department of State for fear of irritating the Japanese. In early 1941, Chiang Kai-Shek made another request to President Roosevelt for freezing China's assets in the U.S. The U.S. government discussed this possibility but again was unable to reach a decision. When Japan decided to increase its troops in Vietnam in July 1941, it threatened the British and American interests in Southeast Asia. This prompted United Kingdom and the United States to finally make up their minds in countering the Japanese by freezing its funds. Five months later, the Pacific War broke out but the Executive Order already had a profound impact on both China and Japan. The order and related licenses were not suspended because of the Pacific War, instead they were amended by the U.S. Department of Treasury and became the basis of financial control actions the United States took in wartime. Their effects continued till the end of the war. Using primary sources in Chinese and English, this article discusses the background and history of Executive Order 8832. In examining this important financial control measure, the article gives special attention to the opinions and reactions of the Chinese Government regarding this Executive Order, and to the effects of the order's implementation on wartime China.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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