


From Men of Unusual Strength to Bodybuilders: The Strong Male Body Images Shaped by Advertisements on Shenbao, 1900-1949


黃東凱(Dong-kai Huang)


男性史 ; 男子氣概 ; 健身 ; 壯漢 ; 猛男情結 ; History of Man ; Masculinity ; Body-building ; Hunk ; Adonis Complex




76期(2023 / 06 / 01)


1 - 3+5-49






This paper discusses how merchants in modern China developed various discourses in persuading consumers to accept images of strong men. It also analyzes the evolution of those images, using advertisements on the influential newspaper Shenbao in the first half of the twentieth century as the main historical source. The paper argues that the images of strong male bodies appearing in those advertisements can be categorized into three types, in chronological order: images of men with unusual strength, sportsmen, and bodybuilders. In the 1900s, the Chinese were still unfamiliar with the Western-style images of strong male bodies, so the merchants looked to traditional Chinese culture for similar images and available concepts, such as the paradigm of "wu" (martial), and the appeal of strength enhancement and aphrodisiacs. In their marketing strategy, the traditional images of strong men, which originally had little to do with sex, were imagined to be connected to nutrition and sexual prowess. After the 1920s, increasing popularity of sports gradually made the Western-style male body images familiar to the Chinese public. Therefore, merchants could directly use the images of the sportsmen to sell their products. With the rise of bodybuilding discourse after the 1930s, a more muscular and naked image of the male body became popular, often associated with eroticism. Visually, the images of strong male bodies tended to become more westernized and standardized over time. The muscles and curves of the body became more prominent in the advertizing images, and the body itself became the focus of representation. A strong male body was seen as a symbol of masculinity, having good sexual ability and attractiveness. The curving muscle lines thus became an important indication of masculine qualities.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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