


Inescapable Death: An Analysis of the Trial Process of the Li Jinlai Case


陳昱齊(Yu-chi Chen)


李進來 ; 核覆 ; 白色恐怖 ; 軍法官 ; 臺灣轉型正義資料庫 ; Li Jinlai ; Review and Ratification ; White Terror ; Military Judge ; Taiwan Transitional Justice Database




77期(2023 / 09 / 01)


45+47 - 82






In February 2020 the Transitional Justice Committee launched "Taiwan Transitional Justice Database," which included files of more than 10,000 military or judicial political cases during the period of authoritarian rule. These cases present a clear picture of the decisions made by decision-makers at various stages of the trials. The case of Li Jinlai was one that received the most number of decisions among all the cases included in the database -47 decisions in total. The Li Jinlai case was finalized after seven attempted verdicts. It took nearly five years from his arrest to his execution. Either in terms of the number of verdicts or the length of time spent, it is extremely rare in political cases of that period, which often stressed expedited judgments. Not until the last verdict, the military judges in the case only punished the crime with a maximum of seven-year imprisonment on the account that Li "knew about the (Communist) bandit activity but failed to report it." However, in the last verdict the judge changed the sentence to death penalty in accordance with Article 2, Paragraph 1, of the Punishment of Rebellion Act, which charged Li of "actively engaging in overthrowing the government." This time it was finally approved. This study examines the process of these seven trials and discusses why the military judges, for the first six times, insisted on their own judgement when facing repeated objections by their military and administrative superiors. It also explores the key factor on the seventh verdict that put Li Jinlai to death. The Li case may allow us to rethink the role played by each decision maker at different stages in the trial of political cases.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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