


Gao Juhua's Surrender Certificate: The Whole Story of the "Jingshan Project"


顧恒湛(Heng-chan Ku)


靖山專案 ; 自首自新 ; 反共自覺 ; 原住民白色恐怖事件 ; 高菊花 ; Jingshan Project ; Surrender and Rehabilitation ; Anticommunist and Self-consciousness ; Aboriginal White Terror Incident ; Gao Juhua




77期(2023 / 09 / 01)


83+85 - 120






Around 1970, the Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice initiated the "Jingshan Project," which focused on investigating aboriginal students in the first Mountain Simple Class at Taichung Normal School. The bureau wanted to know if those students had participated in a "book club" organized by Gao Yisheng, the former mayor of Alishan Township, and signed up to join the criminal organization "Penglai National Liberation League." After sorting through the relevant archival documents, this article found that the origin of the "Jingshan Project" was in fact an after-school tutoring activity organized by home-room teachers of an elementary school's sixth grade class, in preparation for the junior high entrance exam. However, the tutoring was mistaken for an illegal "book club" engaging in seditious activity. Local security personnel continued to exaggerate and expand this misinformation during the "Surrender and Rehabilitation" Movement of 1969. Under the coercion and enticement of security officers, those who were interrogated had no choice but to comply with the story formulated by the interrogators as a means to escape persecution. As a result, the majority of the students from the first Mountain Simple Class, including Gao Juhua, the eldest daughter of Gao Yisheng, "surrendered" to the authorities. The targets of the "Jingshan Project" spread widely among aboriginal tribes in Hsinchu, Taichung, Nantou, Chiayi, and other places. Most people involved in the case were teachers, local intellectual elites and opinion leaders. Its political impact was thus significant and far-reaching.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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