


Script and Beyond the Script: The Framed Connections in the Formosa Incident


陳佳宏(Fupian Chen)


美麗島事件 ; 美麗島大逮捕 ; 美麗島偵訊 ; 美麗島軍法大審 ; 林宅血案 ; Formosa Incident ; Formosa Arrest ; Formosa Interrogation ; Formosa Military Trial ; Lin Family Murder




78期(2023 / 12 / 01)


69+71+73 - 102






There were many political cases in Taiwan that were filled with controversies during the period of White Terror. Oftentimes suspects were framed by the Kuomintang authorities, and the Formosa Incident of 1979 was no exception. Compared with other political cases, the similarity was that there was a "script" of rebellion with a formulaic plot written by the authorities beforehand. What made the Incident special was that there were greater efforts made by the authorities to set the stage and guide public opinion, and that the government was bold enough to publicly display the results of the frame-up. According to the standard practice, it was most common for the authorities to follow the "script" and adopt a secret method. However, the Formosa Incident attracted wide attention at home and abroad, and the persons involved were internationally well-known, so it became very difficult for the authorities to conduct a so-called "black box" operation. Due to internal and external pressures, the government found it necessary to expose the whole picture of the Incident under the sun in order to gain credibility. In such a situation, how to follow the "script" to guide the development of the case and accomplish the political objectives of the authorities, making the suspects publicly confess their alleged "crimes" and be punished, became key considerations. Adjusting to a fluid situation, facing domestic and foreign doubts about the case, the government was forced to make contingency plans and constantly modifying the "script" so as to protect its reputation and consolidate its power.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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