
Architectural Design Competition as a Data Integration Process






施乃中(Naai-Jung Shih)


電腦輔助建築設計 ; 設計競圖 ; 繪圖自動化 ; 視覺化 ; CAAD ; design competition ; drafting automation ; visualization




33期(2000 / 07 / 20)


133 - 142






This research studied the operation and related issues involved in architectural design competitions Firms who take contract jobs were also interviewed. Results showed that most of the firms still contract out final 3D modeling and rendering jobs for a better presentation. This situation revealed that differentiation does exist in a 2D and 3D format in normal data manipulation. The study concluded that competition should not be considered as a special case compared to normal architectural practice. Architectural competition can be considered as a refinement of the data generation and handling process, in addition to merely resource management in practice. Discussions were made to the drafting automation in competition, the integration of 3D process and open system.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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