


Study of a Pollution Index System for Building Design & Construction




黃榮堯(Rong-Yau Huang);陳紹昀(Shou-Yuan Chen);方世如(Shi-Ju Fong)


建築污染 ; 評估指標 ; 永續發展 ; 建築生產管理 ; Building ; Pollution ; Construction ; Demolition ; Appraisal ; Index




35期(2001 / 04 / 20)


63 - 86






Wastes, noise and pollutions of air and water are generated as a result of building construction and demolition. They are detrimental to the environment. Under the worldwide trend of sustainable development, it is gradually emphasized in maintaining the symbiosis of the environment and the building development. Enormous efforts have been made to reduce the pollution caused by the building development. This research aims to study and develop a synthesized pollution index system for assessment of the potential pollution for a building design. Noise, vibration, air (dust), wastes, and water arc identified as the major pollution items. A synthesized pollution index system consists of these live pollution components is developed and a real case is employed for testing of the system. With the system, the potential pollution of it building can be assessed during its design phase. Necessary modification of the design can be made to meet the requirement. Thus, the system can serve as a means to assist in the pollution control in building design and construction, as well as in facilitating the symbiosis of the environment and the building development.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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