


The Comparative Study on Construction Taboos in Building Traditional Houses between Kin-men and Peng-hu (1)-on the Basis of Hierarchy and Pragmatism Concepts




張宇彤(Yu-Tung Chang);徐明福(Min-Fu Hsu)


傳統民宅 ; 營建禁忌 ; 風水觀 ; 位序觀 ; 實用觀 ; traditional houses ; construction taboos ; Feng-shui concept ; hierarchy concept ; pragmatism concept




37期(2001 / 08 / 01)


65 - 91




營建禁忌是傳統民宅計畫階段不可違背的規製,其旨在藉由負面的禁制,形構出符合風水觀、位序觀、實用觀的理想民宅形式。本文旨在探討承傳關係相當密切的金門、澎湖兩地之差異性比較,探討在相同母文化的影響下,營建禁忌如何因應其自然、人文環境的變遷進行修正,並深究其背後的影響因素,以適其所需。 由營建禁忌涉及的相關空間觀之,兩地大抵以民宅整體、大厝身及正廳為主,這顯示出中心和領域的觀念支配著兩地傳統民宅空間的形塑。在位序觀上,澎湖在早期船難不斷致使孤寡甚重的社會結構下,更致力於社會人倫秩序的維繫,故而與位序觀有關的禁忌便較金門呈現出更為豐富的面貌與意涵。在實用觀上,金門傳統民宅屬混合構造,故而與木構有關的相關禁忌較多。澎湖屬石牆木樑架的承重牆系統,故與木構有關的禁忌遂因木構的少用而消失。


Construction Taboos cannot be violated in planning traditional houses. With their negative restriction, they form an ideal form of a traditional house, which is in accordance with the concepts of Feng-shui, hierarchy and pragmatism. The main purpose of this paper is mainly to compare the differences of construction taboos between Kin-men and Peng-hu, which are affected by the same Han culture, and then trace how they are adjusted to meet their own needs according to their own different local natural and socio-cultural environment. From the places where construction taboos are used in a traditional house of both kin-men and Peng-hu, the boundary of a house, its main body, and its main hall are primarily focused upon. This shows that the ”Center” and the ”Territory” of a house are two major concepts that affect the formation of a traditional house. As to hierarchy, because in early years frequent shipwrecks caused to be many widowed families in Peng-hu, people are more concerned with the maintaining of the system of social hierarchy, so that construction taboos are more multifaceted in this respect in there than in King-men. Concerning pragmatism, due to the main building structure of a tradition house is mainly mixed with woods and bricks in Kin-men, the construction taboos have more dealt with wooden structure. On the contrary, the main building structure of a traditional house in Peng-hu is primarily built with stone bearing walls and wooden beams; therefore, the construction taboos have less dealt with wooden structure.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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