


A Strategy of Sustainable Rural Planning in Taiwan from the Viewpoint of Urban-Rural Interaction-A Case Study of Taoyuan Terrace




廖石(Su Liao)


永續發展 ; 城鄉互動 ; 產業轉型 ; 次級都市 ; 城際競爭 ; 農業 ; sustainable development ; urban-rural interaction ; industrial restructuring ; secondary city ; inter-city competition ; agriculture




41期(2002 / 10 / 01)


43 - 59






Because of the declining agricultural sector the rural industry is being restructured in Taiwan. In the process of globalization, technological progression based on knowledge and innovation is substituting for labor, land, and capital as the major source of development. The state power is weakening and cities are emerging as direct players in the world economy. In this arena of inter-city competition, the ability of rural areas to grow is limited. This paper therefore suggests the formation of rural policy should be based on promoting urban-rural interaction. The establishment of a secondary city system is essential to incorporate living, ecological concerns and the production environment. Unless policy makers consider urban and rural areas as integrated, the development of rural Taiwan will not be sustainable.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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