


The Study of an Appropriate Qualification Response Spectrum for Building Contents from the Analysis of Strong Motion Records




姚昭智(G. C. Yao);邱瑜燕(Y. Y. Chiu);許茂雄(M. S. Sheu)


測試反應譜 ; 歷時紀錄 ; 平台係數 ; 平台寬度 ; 歷時長度 ; Qualification response spectrum ; Time-history record ; peak value ; Frequency range of the plateau ; Strong motion duration




42期(2003 / 01 / 01)


1 - 10




為了建立合理的設備物測試反應譜,本研究分析國內近幾年震度五級以上、高寬比小於1.67之建築物反應,合計364筆強震紀錄,並據以建議一適當的測試反應譜以供國內使用。分析工作分成反應譜以及歷時紀錄兩方向進行,其中反應譜的考慮重點為平台高度與平台寬度範圍,歷時紀錄是規定反應譜轉成歷時記錄之後的峰值數目與強震時段要求。分析之強震記錄在文內與國際上慣用的IEC與NEBS測試反應譜進行比較。 關於測試反應譜的平台高度值,本文以樓層高度百分比為影響因子,提出4+2(H(下标 x)/H(下标 r))的逐層放大公式。由於建築的反應與地表頻率內涵有關,因此平台寬度範圍則根據國內規範對土層的分類,分成第一類地盤(堅實地盤及中等地盤)以及第二類地盤(軟弱地盤及台北盆地)兩大類。前者的譜平台建議起自0.8Hz至6.7Hz,後者的譜平台起自0.7Hz至5.0Hz。測試歷時記錄部分則建議超過75%峰值的峰值數目,至少應為5個;超過25%峰值的歷時長度最好為22秒以上。


This study proposed a qualification response spectrum for building contents to be used in Taiwan. A total of 364 building motion data with PGAs above 80 gal were analyzed. Two significant components of a qualification response spectrum are investigated: (1) the peak value and frequency range of the response plateau in the qualification spectrum, and (2) the number of peaks of the corresponding strong motion history in a qualification test. Two internationally recognized qualification response spectrums, IEC and NEBS, are compared to the recorded earthquake data. The concluded peak plateau value in a spectrum depends on building height as 4+2(H(subscript x)/H(subscript r)).The soil condition of the building determines the range of the spectrum plateau.. For Type 1 soil (hard rock and medium soil) it ranges from 0.8 to 6.7 Hz, whereas for Type 2 soil (Soft soil and The Taipei Basin) it ranges from 0.7 to 5.0 Hz. Time-history for the qualification response spectrum should have at least 5 peaks above 75% of the peak acceleration. The strong motion portion of the time history, defined as time duration above 25% of the peak acceleration, should be at least 22 seconds.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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