


A Study on the Performance Evaluation of Public Facilities in Neighborhood Environment-The Case of Traditional Retail Markets




張珩(Heng Zhang);邢志航(Jyh-Harng Shyng)


社區環境 ; 共用設施 ; 建築計畫 ; 性能評估 ; 傳統式零售市場 ; neighborhood environment ; public facilities ; architectural programming ; performance evaluation ; traditional retial market




43期(2003 / 06 / 01)


87 - 103




社區內之共用設施為社區規劃之重要項目之一。因社會環境的變遷,屬於社區共用設施的傳統式零售市場,受到其他商業設施的激烈挑戰而有逐漸式微的趨勢。晚近興建或改建的傳統式零售市場,挾其良好的硬體規劃與設備,卻多無法挽回經營的頹勢。然而因應家庭消費行為而快速興起的「黃昏市場」,卻又暗示傳統式零售市場仍對社區居民深具吸引力。此種矛盾的現象顯示了新、改建的傳統式零售市場其規劃可能有所缺失。 由於目前對於市場並無可遵循之規劃或評估依據,本研究遂試圖以建築計畫之方法,依據市場規劃時之性能要求建構一特定的性能評估體系。為求兼顧使用者的意見,亦在系統中以POE法量測使用者對市場使用的評價,與專業評估的結果並列比較,使評估體系更加嚴密完整。且以台南市市場之實際調查驗證評估體系之可操作性,也藉之瞭解目前市場規劃的實際狀況與問題癥結。 由本研究之結果發現目前市場的規劃多僅以硬體中的法規檢覈為主要工作項目,對於市場的商業環境相當忽略,而市場的特色空間塑造亦未受重視,諸多問題導致市場經營困難與缺乏場所魅力。本研究之結果可回饋到零售市場之規劃設計,對於市場規劃將是極佳的參考資料。


How to arrange shared facilities is an important part of neighborhood planning. Traditional retail market is one of these facilities. It becomes more and more out of date because of the changing social environment and of the challenge from other commercial facilities. Although the traditional retail markets are rebuilt with good hardware and facilities, it can't prevent the accelerating degeneration. However, the rapidly rising of ”evening-market” indicates contrarily that the traditional retail market is still attractive for the neighborhood habitants. The paradox indicates that there may be something out of order in the planning of traditional retail markets. In the moment there is a lack of criteria of planning and evaluation guidelines about retail markets. This research tries to make an evaluation system according to the performance requirements of the planning process for retail markets. User opinions was evaluated by POE and compared to the results form expert evaluation mentioned above. By surveying the markets in Tainan the operation ability of this evaluation system can be inspected and the real situation of markets nowadays can be examined. From the consequence of this study it can be found that major points in the planning process is only to satisfy regulations in the related architectural norms. The evaluation of the commercial environment and the creation of market-specified spaces are neglected mostly. Outcome of this research can feedback to the planning process of traditional retail markets and as a worthy reference for the planning.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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