


The Study on Usage of the Temporary Shelters from the 921 Earthquake




許銘顯(Hsu-Ming Hsien);林慶元(Ching-Yuan Lin)


避難所 ; 組合屋 ; 構造型式 ; Shelter ; Prefab ; Structural pattern




48期(2004 / 09 / 01)


1 - 26




1999年9月21日凌晨台灣地區發生丙氏7.3級的大地震,受災區的居民於受到震災後,為安置災區居民於是衍生了中、長期的臨時避難所,多數災民需暫時生活於其中,由於各避難所乃由政府及各不同的社會公益機構所認捐興建,所以在避難所中公共設施及臨時組合屋的構造型式、使用材料均有部分的差異,除了結構的安全維護外,材料的使用對於屋頂的隔熱、分間牆的隔音及防水、鄰棟間的防火間隔、地板面的防振等等性能,都有或多或少的差異及影響。 本研究依各避難所的配置圖、臨時組台屋的平、剖面及局部施工構造圖說,加以分析比較並實際察訪,以提供政府單位對臨時性中、長期避難所經營的參考以及相關學術研究的基礎並針對開放式建築及營建系統化提供大量、快速興建的事例提出應注意及改善的事項。


An earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter's scale occurred at certain regions in Taiwan in the early morning on Sep. 21, 1999. After suffering from the earthquake, the residents in the regions of the disaster were settled in temporary shelters, which later developed into the mid-term and long-term shelters for the residents' needs. Because the shelters were donated from different resources such as the government, public organizations, and charities, the shelters' public facilities, their prefabs' structural patterns, and their building materials were varied. In addition to variation in structure maintenance, the diverse building materials had different impacts on the roofs' heat insulation, sectional walls' soundproof and waterproof, fire prevention space between two neighboring prefabs, and the floor vibration. In this study, we analyzed and compared all the data gathered from on-site interviews, shelters' installation diagrams, prefabs' floor plans and sectional drawings, and structural diagrams of the partial construction. It is expected to provide the government with this study as a reference to the management of the mid-term and long-term shelters and as a foundation to the related academic studies. We also made comments and suggestions for the improvement of mass and fast constructions offered by opening architecture and construction systems.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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