The main purpose of this study is to investigate the layout situation and post-occupancy evaluation of general classrooms style and scale at the elementary schools reconstructed after Ji-Ji Earthquake. This study included 38 schools all being reconstructed and used for more than six months at Nantou Hsien area. All teachers, the 5th and 6th grade students, and their classroom are the study subjects to establish basis for analysis through questionnaire survey and on site observation. This study has achieved the following result in four points:
1. Based on the construction method of its space unit, the general classrooms after reconstruction can be divided into ”Single-room”, ”multiple-room” and ”Compound-room” types.
2. It is found from the analysis of the relationship between the classroom types and corridor types, the simpler the internal structure of the classroom, the more likely the multiple purposes on layout of corridor types. On contrary, when the internal layout of the classroom is much diversified, the simpler the corridor types.
3. The ideal general classrooms the students wanted most are: number of classmate less than 18, each student entitles more than 5m^2 of space. While the corridors take single-room L shape classroom allocated with L-ST shape independent learning corner with two-side compound type.
4. The ideal general classrooms the teachers wanted most are: number of students in standard, each student entitles with more than 2.5m^2 and 1.92m^2 of space. While the corridors take L-S-T shape classroom with two-side compound type.