


An Assessment Model of Land Use Potential for Alluvial Plain Areas-The Case of the Tainan High Speed Rail Station Area




紀雲曜(Y. Y. Chi);李上妤(S. Y. Lee);葉光毅(K. Y. Yeh)


土地利用潛力 ; 評估 ; 模式 ; 因子 ; 高鐵 ; 層級分析法 ; land-use potential ; assessment ; model ; factors ; High Speed Rail ; AHP




54期(2005 / 12 / 01)


131 - 157






In this paper, a model is developed to assess land use potential for alluvial plain areas. The model divides an area's land use potential into ”natural disaster” part and ”location condition” part. The former analyses the influence of various natural disaster; the latter evaluates the location of public facilities. A two-step expert questionnaire and the AHP method were used to collect experts' comments and to weight determining factors. The function of disaster assessment and facility service distance can be used to determine factors' standardized values, thus deriving the area's land use potential values. The assessment approach not only has a distinguishable process but also is suitable a large amount of calculation, which is adequate to a large area with various land uses and to solve the problems raised in the land use potential evaluation process. The high speed railway Tainan Station district planning area is a typical case used in this paper.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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