


An Ecological Landscape Design Model for Biotopes of Dragonflies and Its Application




盧惠敏(April Hueimin Lu)


生態地景設計 ; 生物托邦 ; 蜻蜓 ; 生態公園 ; 生物多樣性 ; ecological landscape design ; biotope ; dragonfly odonata ; ecological park ; biodiversity




55期(2006 / 03 / 01)


147 - 174






The purpose of this essay is to establish a model of dragonfly biotopes design in rural landscape. Through studying the biotopes of one of the indicator species of rural environment, the dragonfly, and exploring the relationships between biota and space, I apply the result to the landscape design of an ecological park on biodiversity. Firstly, from literature review, I clarify the meanings of a biotope and its various types of dragonflies. Secondly, from the investigations of dragonfly (Odonata) in Gufu wetland at Nanren Mountain, especially the comparative study of ecological niches between Ictinogomphus rapax and Sinictinogomphus clavatus, landscape elements, landscape conditions, and construction principles corresponding to the dragonfly life cycle and its the ecological niches are also concluded. Finally, I apply the concepts of dragonfly's biotopes to Kanding ecological park. Various types of lentic and lotic freshwaters surrounded by abundant hydrophytes and multi layers trees are planned. Besides, ecological landscape design with construction proceeds in terms of the following aspects: site gradation and sewage system, circulations and land use, plantation types and materials, and ecological construction methods with waterfront design details.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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