Before the 17 Century, there were few fragmental contacts between Taiwan and China. When the offshore bar Tayouan, today's Anping, was built as a joint harbor with Amoy, a new epoch came to Formosa. Due to the overseas trade in the Taiwan Strait and East Asia, the Dutch East India Company persuaded Chinese to come over to Taiwan to make deals with them and to cultivate the land; meanwhile maritime contacts between Tayouan and Amoy were gradually transformed into an organized and regular sea-route. Certainly the transformation had its geopolitical, social and economical background, but sailing techniques also had an influence on it, and this paper will discuss this point of view. Among them the reaching is the most favorable way to sail and the monsoons over the Taiwan Strait provide an available situation to reach between Tayouan and Amoy. This encouraged Chinese to cross the Strait, provided chances to establish an intensive relation between both sides and brought development of Taiwan into a new age.
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