


An Evaluation on the Quality of Newly-Constructed Campus Buildings in 921 Disastrous Areas




曾俊達(Chun-Ta Tzeng);龔峰祥(Feng-Hsiang Kung)


921地震 ; 校園重建 ; 工程品質 ; 用後評估 ; 921 earthquake ; campus reconstruction ; construction quality ; post occupancy evaluation




57期(2006 / 09 / 28)


143 - 159




921地震之後,政府面臨災區震害學校重建時程縮短的社會期盼,校園重建規劃設計及工程發包作業時程確實緊促。災區各校重建所營造的「新校園」校舍空間,是否能符合使用者需求與確實的反映教育改革,亦將成為檢視校園重建成果的重要指標。 研究過程除調查災區26所重建校舍個案於重建各階段之滿意度外,並於個案現場採「用後評估」方式,從問卷調查及現場訪查兩方面檢視同一校舍基地,歷經不同時空及重建工程實施機制,所呈現的校園空間工程品質。 研究成果顯示重建工程引進專業營建管理之制度或由教育部委託具工程專業團隊協助校方工程品質控管之成效顯著;但是於遴選民間專業營建工程團隊時,除經費考量外,更應評估協辦團隊之專業性與人力,以避免品質控管對策流於形式。


In the aftermath of the 921 earthquake, the government was seen to have hastened its reconstruction planning and contract distribution operations in response to public calls for a speedy recovery of damaged schools in the disastrous areas. Under these urgent circumstances, whether the reconstructed campus of each school in the disastrous area meets the needs of educational reform and users serves as an important indicator for the evaluation of the quality of campus reconstruction. A total of 26 rebuilt schools have been treated as the subjects of the study. In the research course, they went through a questionnaire survey concerning their satisfaction during the reconstruction period. A post occupancy evaluation was then undertaken in the investigation and evaluation of reconstruction quality. It was intended to review the engineering quality of the reconstruction of the same campus sites going through different temporal, spatial and engineering mechanisms. The results indicate that the professional construction management systems or the MOE-commissioned construction teams have achieved significant effectiveness on the quality control of campus construction. However, it is advisable that specialty and manpower, apart from budget, be taken into consideration in the selection of construction teams to effectively avoid the practice of quality control as a matter of formality.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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