


Supply and Demand for Building Health Check




張智元(Chih-Yuan Chang);蕭文雄(Wen-Hisung Hsiao);黃世孟(Shyh-Meng Huang);郭斯傑(Sy-Jye Guo)


建築物專業健診 ; 專業維護管理 ; 建築醫生 ; 供給與需求 ; 維護 ; Building Health Check ; Professional Maintenance Management PMM ; Building Doctor ; Supply and Demand ; Maintenance




59期(2007 / 03 / 01)


93 - 112




國內建築物已逐漸步入高齡化階段,建築物專業健診(Building Health Check)需求趨勢已逐步升高,在預防勝於治療、事前治療勝於事後救災的前提下,有關建築物健康檢查、治療與延壽的專業維護管理(Professional Maintenance Management; PMM)重要性已與日俱增。本研究透過日本政府與民間健診維護產業的實地調查及專訪、次級資料分析、國內專家訪談與文獻回顧等研究方式,彙整出建築物專業健診管理之供給與需求的初步探討面向。「需求面」部份以:1.建築維護量體、2.社會人口變遷、3.消費型態變遷、4.法令規定與5.公有建築管理等面向來探討;「供給面」則以:1.專業性人員、2.專業性組織、3.資金與預算、4.經營態樣、5.診斷技術等面向分別探討,藉以了解推展建築物健診機制待克服之問題面向。


Gradually, buildings in Taiwan have reached an ageing stage; as a result, the demand for building health check is increasing steadily. As prevention precedes remedy, the importance of Professional Maintenance Management (PMM) for building health check, repair and life lengthening is rising. By conducting field surveys and interviews in Japan's governmental and non-governmental building health check and maintenance industries, secondary data analysis, interviews with national experts, and literature reviews, the researcher summarized the initial research points of supply and demand. In order to understand the problems needed to be overcome when implementing a building health check mechanism, the demand is examined in aspects of (1) quantity of building maintenance; (2) demographic changes; (3) consumption pattern changes; (4) laws and regulations; (5) management of government-owned buildings while the supply is examined in aspects of (1) professional personnel; (2) professional organizations; (3) finance and budget; (4) operation modes; (5) diagnosis techniques.

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