


The Analysis of User's Economic Value for Metro Mall-A Case Study of East Metro Mall in Taipei City




林楨家(Jen-Jia Lin);羅健文(Chien-Wen Lo)


捷運地下街 ; 經濟價值 ; 迴歸分析 ; Metro Mall ; Economic Value ; Regression Analysis




61期(2007 / 09 / 01)


79 - 93




鑑於日本及歐洲在地下街的使用經驗,發現其可提供都市景觀保存、行人安全與舒適維護以及空間有效利用等非市場性服務,這些服務之經濟價值一向未被清楚衡量。由於設置地下街必須花費龐大之經費,若缺乏完整且具體的價值衡量,政府及業者很難進行計畫評估。衡量地下街的經濟價值,除有助地下街的計畫評估之外,對影響經濟價值之因素及其影響程度之探討,可據以發展地下街之規劃設計與營運管理策略,達政府、業者與民眾三方共贏的境界。本研究以台北市東區地下街使用者為對象,利用假設市場評價法分析台北市東區地下街之經濟價值,使用negative binomial regression 模式進行校估與檢定,檢視願付價格與相關變數之間的關係。研究結果發現女性、高所得、專程來逛街以及經過順便逛街的使用者具有較高的願付價格,其估計願付價格平均值為13.76元/次,以研究當時整年使用人次估計,相當於一年內共約有22億元新台幣的使用者經濟價值。


Construction efforts in Japan and Europe indicate that metro system underground arcades (metro malls) provide many positive externalities, including landscape preservation, passenger safety and comfort and efficient land usage. Given the extremely high construction costs of metro malls, a comprehensive cost and benefit analysis is essential to facilitate government and vendor investment in their development. A comprehensive benefit analysis not only contributes to project assessment, but also helps develop comprehensive strategies for designing and managing metro malls. This study takes the East Metro Mall in Taipei City as a case study. The user benefits of the East Metro Mall are evaluated by a questionnaire survey and contingent valuation. Using negative binomial regression to calibrate the bid function, this study demonstrates that metro malls provide most benefits for high-income users, females and special-purpose and passing-by shopping trips. The average willingness to pay to use metro mall is NT$13.76 per use. The total user benefits of the East Metro Mall thus can be valued at NT$2.2 billions annually.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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