


The Applications of Analytic Network Process to the Priorities of Interdependent Housing Projects Selection




徐慧民(Hui-Min Hsu);衛萬明(Wann-Ming Wey);蔡佩真(Pei-Jen Tsai)


住宅企劃方案 ; 多準則 ; 內部相互依存 ; 模糊德爾菲 ; 分析網路程序法 ; Housing Project ; Multi-Criteria ; Interdependence ; Fuzzy Delphi ; ANP




62期(2007 / 12 / 01)


49 - 74




本文對於建設公司或土地開發公司所規劃發展之實質住宅企劃方案進行篩選及評估,以便從各可能方案中選擇出符合該組織整體利益之最佳方案,同時並可確保其選擇出最符合要求、風險最少、獲利最多的「住宅企劃方案」。有關於「住宅企劃方案」選擇問題乃屬一多準則決策(Multi-Criteria Decision Making, MCDM)的問題。過去許多有關方案選擇問題的研究大都無法反映出介於方案間以及方案準則間彼此所存在的相互依存(interdependent)之關係。然而考慮方案間的相互依存關係此一特性,其可提供予一組織(如建設公司或土地開發公司)相當價值的成本降低以及更大的利潤。本研究提出一個整合的(integrated)方法以解決上述住宅企劃方案評選可能遇到的問題。此方法結合了模糊德爾菲(Fuzzy Delphi)及分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process, ANP)。本研究透過一台中市某建設公司所提供之三個實際欲進行開發的建設企劃方案爲實例以說明所提出之研究方法的應用。由實證分析之結果可以瞭解,透過本研究所提出的完整研究方法應用,將可提供規劃者一個具體分析方案的方法,並使企劃方案之決策者有充分的決策參考依據。


The main issues of this research is to evaluate and select the adaptive solution for the housing project selection problems based on the most appropriate, lowest risk, and maximum profits considerations. In terms of the housing project selection problems, they can be classified as Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) problems. Prior research for housing project selection does not reflect interdependencies among criteria and candidate projects. To consider project interdependent property provides valuable cost savings and greater benefits to organizations. In this research, we suggested an integrated approach for interdependent housing project selection problems using Fuzzy Delphi and Analytic Network Process concept. The application of the proposed methodology is also illustrated through an example provided via an architectural consultant company in Taichung. From the analysis results obtained by the empirical example, we are able to find that our proposed solution approach for solving the interdependent housing project selection problems is validated and proven to be useful in the field of evaluation operations.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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