


A Study of the Police Substation Buildings in Early Colonial Taiwan




蔡明志(Ming-Chih Tsai);傅朝卿(Chao-Ching Fu)


警察 ; 警察官吏派出所 ; 散在配置 ; 事務所並宿舍 ; 建築標準 ; Police ; Police Substation ; Spatial Dispersion ; Office with Official Residences ; Building Standard




63期(2008 / 03 / 28)


1 - 24




警察官吏派出所之制度,為日本現代警察制度之獨創與核心,並深刻影響殖民地臺灣。派出所規模雖小,卻為其制度下權力運作之利器。其「散在」配置與建築發展,即為殖民政府對殖民地社會控制之具體表徵。 派出所廳舍之形成,以1898年與1909年為兩個關鍵轉折年代。1897年「警察廳舍及宿舍建築標準」的發佈,只是鎮壓土匪時期的產物。1898年後,警察轉向民政,確立了地方警察派出所「散在」配置的基本原則,也逐步確立了警察官吏派出所廳舍之「事務所並宿舍」的空間需求與「居民寄附」為主的經費來源。空間型態雖千形百態,但仍可歸結出一字型屋與前事務室後宿舍兩種型態,並可視為是1909年建立派出所空間基型之嘗試與準備。直至1909年警察官吏派出所「建築標準」的發佈,並經1913年的改正後逐漸定型,以事務室與丁種判任官舍單元之組合為派出所建築之空間基型。此後,即未有重大變革。


The system of police substation, which influenced colonial Taiwan deeply, was the invention and core of modern police system in Japanese Empire. The buildings of police substations were, although small, the most powerful instrument of the power activated under this system. Its spatial dispersion and architectural development represented the social control over the colonized society. 1898 and 1909 were two crucial years for taking form of police substation building as turning point. The building standard of offices and official residences for the police institution was decreed early in 1897, however, it was only for army police and was short-lived. Since 1898, the police turned its face to the people, and made sure the principle of spatial dispersion, office with official residences as the building program and people's donation as the primary source of building outlay for the buildings of police substations. Building in row form and office ahead with official residences behind were two more widespread types of the building of police substations during this period, and both contributed the formation of the spatial prototype after 1909. By the declaration of the building standard for the building of the police substation and its rectification in 1913, the spatial prototype of police substation building was then gradually normalized as one row building but protruding the office slightly, and never changed till the end of colonization.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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