


A Study on Comprehensive Evaluation of the Indoor Physical Environment for Clustered Classrooms-The Case of Elementary Schools in Kaohsiung City




陳星皓(Hsing-Hao Chen);江哲銘(Che-Ming Chiang);黃貞燕(Jen-Yen Huang)


班群教室 ; 室內物理環境綜合評估 ; AHP層級分析法 ; Clustered Classroom ; Comprehensive Evaluation of Indoor Physical Environment ; AHP Method




63期(2008 / 03 / 28)


25 - 46




本文彙整國民小學班群教室室內物理環境品質之評估要項:「音環境」、「光環境」、「溫熱環境」及「空氣環境」,及其相關之評估因子基準值,並選擇高雄市以班群教室為設計概念且使用逾6年以上之4所國民小學為研究案例,進行客觀性及主觀性之室內物理環境綜合評估。同時以AHP層級分析法調查群體專家對各評估要項間權重比例關係之看法,經過信度、效度檢驗及專家群組變異數分析後,求得各評估要項間之相對之權重分別為音環境0.356、光環境0.191、溫熱環境0.164、空氣環境0.289,進而建立班群教室室內物理環境品質綜合評估式。 研究結果發現各類型班群教室之室內物理環境以「音環境品質」問題最嚴重,而「空氣環境品質」最理想,並建議欲改善既有班群教室室內物理環境之品質,應優先自「音環境課題」著手進行。


This paper compiled the criteria of evaluation factors for the indoor physical environment of clustered classrooms, and took the elementary schools in Kaohsiung City as cases to explore the problems in acoustic environment, illumination environment, thermal environment and atmospheric environment. An expert questionnaire and the AHP method were used to collect experts' comments and to weight the evaluation factors. After the test of reliability and validity and the analysis of variance, it can get the relative weights which are 0.356 (Acoustic Environment), 0.191 (Illumination Environment), 0.164 (Thermal Environment), 0.289 (Atmospheric Environment). Both objective and subjective methods were applied to abtain result that shows the acoustic environment has the worst evaluation, and the atmospheric environment has the best one. It also recommends solving the problems of acoustic environment is the priority to improve the indoor environmental quality of existing clustered classrooms.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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