


An Examination of the Theory of Planned Behavior for Community Practices in a Landscape Renaissance Project




郭彰仁(Chang-Jen Kuo);侯錦雄(Jing-Shoung Hou);郭瑞坤(Jui-Kun Kuo);歐雙磐(Shuang-Pan Ou);謝政勳(Cheng-Hsun Hsieh)


營造都市社區新風貌計畫 ; 營造農村新風貌計畫 ; 計劃行爲理論 ; Urban Community Landscape Renaissance Project ; Rural Community Landscape Renaissance Project ; Theory of Planned Behavior




69期(2009 / 09 / 01)


137 - 154




「城鄉風貌改造運動」旨在推動社區居民自發的參與環境改造可以讓社區環境永續經營,並間接促進地區的發展。居民在參與公部門推動環境改造,參與行為驅動的因素為何?是否是一種理性計畫行爲?透過研究瞭解居民的參與歷程有助於日後社造的推動。Ajzen認爲人類行爲受態度(Attitude, AT)、主觀規範(Subjective Norm, SN)、行爲控制知覺(Perceived Behavioral Control, PBC)與行爲意向(Behavioral Intention, BI)影響。本研究以社區居民爲研究對象,希望由計畫行爲理論探討社區居民參與環境改造的行爲模式,並檢驗此模式之配適度。 本研究以南部縣市(高雄縣市、屏東縣、澎湖縣、台南縣市)過去曾參與營建署「營造都市社區新風貌計畫」及農委會「營造農村新風貌計畫」之社區中的成員爲研究標的,以問卷調查共計獲得有效問卷616份,並以SEM(結構方程模式)爲分析工具。 檢視TPB模型運用在社區參與環境改造行爲的適合度。經結構模式(structural model)分析結果發現TPB模型是可接受的模式,其主觀規範、參與態度、行爲控制知覺對參與行爲傾向有顯著正面影響;參與行爲傾向對參與行爲也有顯著正面影響,證實了計畫行爲理論適用於解釋民眾參與環境改造行爲,同時也說明了推動城鄉風貌計畫居民參與行爲的理性模式。


The purpose of the landscape renaissance movement is to encourage people to participate in environmental improvement actions and help the community environment management to be more sustainable. The purpose of this study is to understand what makes community residents participate in such environmental improvement projects. Specifically, is it a kind of planned behavior? A better understanding of why residents choose to participate in environmental improvement actions can help to enhance community participation. Ajen believes that people's behavior is affected by attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and behavioral intention. The study subjects are community residents, and the purpose of this study is to utilize the theory of planned behavior (TPB) model to investigate the behavioral model of residents who participate in environmental improvement projects, and to test the fitness of the conceptual model. This study surveyed community residents who had participated in an ”urban community landscape renaissance project” supported by the Construction and Planning Agency, and a ”rural community landscape renaissance project” founded by the Soil and Water Conservation Bureau. A total of 616 community residents completed a self-report questionnaire. At the same time, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was employed to test the conceptual model. The findings showed that the conceptual model developed in this work is acceptable. The findings also supported the notion that ”attitude”, ”subjective norm”, and ”perceived behavioral control” significantly influenced the ”behavioral intention” of participating in environmental improvement behaviors. Moreover, resident's ”behavioral intention” significantly impacted their participation in environmental improvement ”behaviors”. This study demonstrated that the TPB model is suitable for explaining residents' participation in environmental improvement behavior. Meanwhile, this study also examined the resident's reasoned action model of participating in a community landscape renaissance project.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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