The masonry wall retrofitted with wire mesh in the inside surface has been commonly adopted in Taiwan for historic building, due to its advantages of economic and not changing the architectural scenery. For establishing the calculation process of the load-displacement relationship curve for the brick wall strengthened with wire mesh, in this paper, we assume the strengthening effect is contributed by wire mesh and the mortar that enclose wire mesh. The contribution of wire mesh is based on the concept of shear friction. The additional compressive stress of the brick wall due to the wire yield stress was also counted in the calculation of wall displacement. According to the comparison of calculation and five brick specimens, it shows that the ultimate loading and displacement of the brick wall under in-plane loading can be obtained reasonably. Besides the calculated load-displacement curves obtain an approximately good agreement with the test results. In practical usage, based on the calculated load-displacement curves, designer can clearly understand the effect and behavior for the brick wall strengthened with wire mesh.
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