


The Relationships among Shoppers' Traits, Environmental Characteristics and Shoppers' Movement in Taiwanese Urban Street Shopping Areas




董娟鳴(Chuan-Ming Tung)


都市街廓商圈 ; 逛街者移動 ; 逛選動線 ; 找路策略 ; Urban Street Shopping Areas ; Movement of Shoppers ; Shopping Circulation ; Wayfinding Strategy




71期(2010 / 03 / 01)


153 - 176




台灣都會區地狹人多,逛街已成爲都會居民休閒生活的一部分,而街廓型態商圈則是逛街者在都市逛街的主要場所,因此,瞭解逛街者的移動特性,有助於提供商家在區位選擇與購物空間區劃的建議。本研究選擇西門、士林、桃園車站商圈等都市街廓型商圈作爲實證地點,從逛街者活動行爲的角度,了解逛街者逛選移動之特性(找路行爲、路徑選擇與逛選移動),以及商圈環境特徵、逛街者特性對其逛選移動間的關係進行探討。 本研究共安排278名受測者進行測試,分析各商圈逛街者在找路策略、路徑選擇原則與逛選動線上之特性與差異,並建構商圈逛街者找路容易度模式;其後,再針對逛街者逛選移動特性差距較大之商圈逛街者進行深度訪談,進一步探討造成逛街者逛選移動特性差異之影響因素,以提供商圈動線設計之參考。研究結果顯示,商圈環境特徵會影響逛街者之活動點選擇,逛街者停留活動點空間分佈將影響逛街者之逛選動線形式與路徑選擇行爲,進而影響逛街者之找路行爲與逛選動線。


Because of the lack of space for outdoor activities and given the nature of consumer habits in Taiwan, shopping is one of the locals' main forms of leisure activity, and street-based shopping areas are one of the main places that shoppers visit in cities. Hence, understanding the characteristics of shoppers' movement will help provide recommendations for businesses in regard to selection of locations and shopping districts. Researcher chose Shimen, Shilin and Taoyuan street shopping areas to be empirical field and tried to understand the relationships among characteristics of shoppers’ movements (wayfinding behavior, route choice and shoppers’ movement), shoppers traits and street shopping environment from the viewpoint of shoppers' behavior. This study examined 278 participants to analysis differences of characteristics of shoppers' wayfinding strategies, principles of route choice and shopping circulation in different street shopping area and to construct wayfinding model of shoppers in urban street areas. Then, researcher compared the difference of street shopping areas in their characteristic of shopping movement and further interviewed shoppers to discuss which factors creat significant differences in shoppers' movement. Afterwards, researcher gave some suggestions of shopping circulation design in Taiwan. According the results, researcher found environment characteristic of street shopping areas affect shoppers' choices of shopping stop. The layouts of shopping stops both create differences in characteristics of shoppers' movement and route choice. It further affects wayfinding behavior and shopping circulation of shoppers. Indeed, the environmental characteristics of different street shopping areas will also affect shoppers' experience of environment recognition, wayfinding strategies and environment selection principles.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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