


Performance Experiments and Evaluation of Various Moisture Buffering Materials




蔡耀賢(Y.-S. Tsay);鍾松晉(S.-C. Chung);江哲銘(C.-M. Chiang)


室內空氣品質 ; 調濕建材 ; 濕氣 ; Indoor Air Quality ; Moisture Buffering Material ; Moisture




74_S期(2010 / 12 / 01)


1 - 14




近年來濕氣問題漸漸受到研究者的重視,利用調濕建材來緩和濕度變動的控制手法亦廣被採用。然而,國內對於建築設計所需要的建材濕氣物性資料卻相當地缺乏,建築設計者在建築物理環境相關書籍中,難以得到建材調濕性能之資訊。本研究爲了探討如何以建材之調濕效果改善台灣熱濕氣候下之濕氣環境,進行調濕建材之性能測試基礎研究。本研究採用JIS A1470-1的濕氣反應法,進行了松木板、桐木板、礦纖天花板,調濕磁磚、活性碳、矽膠球、竹炭及矽藻土顆粒的吸放性能測試,結果發現在板狀材料部份,調濕磁磚之吸放濕量大於松木與桐木,而礦纖板最差;在粒狀材料部份,矽澡土之吸放濕量最大,其次爲活性炭、矽膠球與竹炭。另外,各種材料的吸濕與放濕反應均不同,設計者可依據當地氣候之濕度變動範圍與頻率,選擇適當之材料來進行設計。


In Recent years, health issues relating to indoor humidity have been widely discussed, and therefore, one efficient counter-measure of using moisture buffering materials is becoming popular. However, physical data of materials for designers to evaluate moisture buffer effect was hardly available in Taiwan. In this paper, performance experiments of various moisture buffering materials, including pine board, paulownia board, fiber board, moisture buffering tile, active carbon, silica gel, bamboo charcoal and diatomite were carried out. As a result, we provide the experimental outcomes about adsorption/desorption performance of above tested materials for architectural and interior designers.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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