As the demographic structure changes, the Taiwan society had transited into an aging and birthrate-declining society. From a stand of comprehensive and fundamental requirements of the entire population, and with the ”humanity-foremost” philosophy, how can we establish a universal design that can be used to develop urban public space suitable for everyone's usages, in order to respond to the challenges from the social changes? The universal designs of the United States and Japan are analyzed through literature studying by this research, and based on the domestic park status quo, the focus group method is used to draw up the guidelines of the universal design for urban park development, which include general rules, park entrances/exits, paths, usage areas, construction and facilities, and signs. This study comes at that under the core concept of universal design-”fairness in use”, the focus of current domestic universal design for parks is ”accessibility”. This research suggests it is necessary to integrate community construction into the universal design, in an attempt to improve the convergence of public space into private residential areas, for a full-scaled humanity environment.
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