Interior decoration materials often contain volatile organic compounds, which have quite a few potential impacts on indoor environmental quality and human health, and have triggered people's great attention about how to choose interior decoration materials. Green building material labeling system is divided into 4 categorized assessments which are health, ecology, renewable and high-performance, and the purpose of this study is to understand the health benefits of green building materials used in indoor environment. This research establishes a risk assessment framework for the emission of volatile organic compounds from interior decoration materials, and simulations on the emissions from different indoor green building materials are made to compare the health risks and influences to indoor persons. The simulation results show that in an interior space of 3m long, 3m wide and 2.5m high, with a renovation load ratio under 0.4, the lifetime cancer risk attributable to formaldehyde and benzene is in an acceptable range, while toluene, ethylbenzene, p-xylene and o-xylene have hazard quotients less than 1-an indication of no obvious negative impact on human health. Finally, it is proposed that evaluation of green building materials should add in health risk factors to make a sound assessment system for the green building materials labeling.
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