


Reconsidering the Concept of Authenticity in Cultural Heritage: The Comprehension from the Past to the Present




文芸(Yun Wen);傅朝卿(Chao-Ching Fu)


真實性 ; 重大意義 ; 價值 ; 維護 ; 文化遺產 ; Authenticity ; Significance Meanings ; Value ; Conservation ; Cultural Heritage




76_S期(2011 / 06 / 28)


23 - 46






Conservation of cultural heritages is a complicated and challenging work, and under the guidance of authenticity concept, H faces a very philosophical thinking. Because of the ambiguity of authenticity concept, as well as distinct recognitions of authenticities by different cultures, the real conservation work often confronts problems. By way of analyses and explorations of relevant paper discussions as well as international cultural conservation literatures, this study points out that authenticity is in fact a relative concept. In consideration of the diversities of cultures and heritages, authenticity is actually a ”local” concept that comes with the comprehension of the values or significant meanings of the cultural heritage, also an implication of recognition. Since the comprehension of value is different for different times and regions, there is no way of constraining authenticity with only one standard, and from the historiography stand, values can even be altered, hence it is necessary to keep a dynamic perspective on heritage conservation, in order to ensure authenticity.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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