Museums used to be regsrded as palaces for the Buerqiwa class, but now they have become places for the public to carry out civilized ceremonies. Museums can provide temporary side views, making visits to them the intellectual activities; on the other hand, however, the visits can be seen as political activities, making museums ultimately the national apparatus for enforcing its political will. Therefore, this article attempts to discuss, from the perspective of cultural studies, the exhibition patterns and displayed contents of expositions and museums, and their diverse meanings in the course of history, such as different ideologies like imperialism, fascism, capitalism, and even nationalism, which demonstrate the narrative power of the contents displayed in museums. This article will take exhibitions in expositions and museums, of different periods of time, as examples to describe the different meanings they represent.
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吉見俊哉(2010)。博覽會的政治學。台北=Taipei:群學=Socio Publishing Co.。