


The Preliminary Study of the Applicability of QEESI Questionnaire as the Screening Tool of Sick Building Diagnosis in Taiwan




黃琳琳(Lin-Lin Huang);江哲銘(Che-Ming Chiang);池田耕一(Koichi Ikeda);北條祥子(Sachiko Hojo);柳宇(U Yanagi);鍵直樹(Naoki Kagi)


QEESI問診表 ; 病態建築診斷 ; 篩檢工具 ; 有效判別決斷點 ; QEESI Questionnaire ; Sick Building Diagnosis ; Screening Tool ; Cut-off Point




77期(2011 / 09 / 28)


63 - 88




釐清室內空氣環境與人體健康影響之關聯,需實施之IAQ檢測必須相當精確;因此,美日等國皆傾向先以QEESI問診表篩檢建築物內使用者的健康影響狀况,判斷主要影響因子後,再選定最適之檢測方法,以大幅省下時間及資源成本。QEESI問診表又可應用於全國性普查使用,作爲建築相關研究領域或國民健康保險相關政策訂定時之重要參考。國內至今尚無研究針對「主訴及自體定檢步驟」所使用之問卷內容進行驗證確立;本研究擬引進在美、日等國已推行十數年之QEESI問診表,加上「個人、居住環境相關因子」詢問表,檢証其作爲台灣病態建築診斷篩檢工具之適用性。結論整理如下:1.「QEESI問診表」內容設計相當穩定,繁體中文版之信度及效度已通過驗證,對於病態建築相關問題的發 掘極爲有效,適合作爲台灣病態建築診斷篩檢工具使用。2.本研究求得現階段適合篩檢台灣民衆是否罹患SBS及MCS之有效判別決斷點(Cut-off point),分別爲「Q2.其他物質無法忍受尺度」:25分,「Q3.症狀」:21分,「Q5.日常生活影響尺度」:13分。3.「性別」、「年齡」、「是否了解SBS發病之機制」、「是否有過敏症病史」、「住宅形式」、「換氣方式」、「是否使用芳香劑」、「本人是否抽菸」等8項因子可顯著預測使用者之「QEESI問診表(繁體中文版)」得分。


Accuracy of IAQ measurement is strictly required in order to clarify the connection between the quality of indoor air and the health of inhabitants. Therefore, some developed countries such as the USA and Japan prefer using QEESI to screen the health status of the occupants of the buildings to determine the prime factors that cause the syndromes, and then decide the best measuring methods in order to save the cost of time and resources significantly. In addition, QEESI can be used in the National General Survey, and the results of QEESI also can be the important references to the studies relevant to architecture and to the national health insurance policy. However, there is not yet a research aiming at the verification of the contents of the questionnaires used on ”the procedure of self judgment of physical discomfort.” This study plans to introduce QEESI which has been implemented for over a decade in the developed countries mentioned above and combine it with the questionnaires of ”the relevant factors between the residential environment and the health status of the inhabitants” for the purpose of verifying the applicability of QEESI questionnaire as the screening tool of Taiwan Sick Building Syndrome. The followings are concluded:1. The content design of QEESI questionnaire is sophisticated and stable. The reliability and validity of its Chinese version has been verified to be very effective in exploring the issues relevant to SBS. It is suitable for the use as the screening tool of Taiwan Sick Building Syndrome.2. At present stage, this study has procured the effective cut-off points for screening the patients of SBS and MCS in Taiwan as the scale of ”Q2-the intolerance of other substances: 25”, ”Q3-the scale of 'syndrome: 21”, and the scale of ”Q5-the impact on daily life: 13.”3. Eight of the subscales: gender, age, qualification of sick-house diagnostician, the history of allergy, the type of the building, air ventilation, the use of deodorant and fragrance, and the use of tobacco, can significantly and correctly pre-diagnose the scores of ”QEESI (Traditional Chinese Version)” of the users.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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