


Study on Sound Scattering Performance of Bamboo Diffusers with Different Sequences




沈美惠(Mei-Huei Shen);賴榮平(Rong-Ping Lai);林芳銘(Fang-Ming Lin);藍婕寧(Jie-Ning Lan)


竹質擴散板 ; 散射性能 ; 二次餘數擴散板(QRD) ; 最大長度序列(MLS) ; Bamboo Diffusers ; Scattering Coefficient ; QRD(Quadratic Residual Diffuser) ; MLS(Maximum Length Sequence)




79期(2012 / 03 / 01)


47 - 66






Optimizing listening quality in an indoor acoustic environment requires the appropriate use of sound-absorption and diffusion materials. Diffusers made of bamboo tubes and split bamboo present an ecologically-sustainable choice, with differences in bamboo species, sequence, diameter and depth providing optimal diffusion for each frequency band. This study investigates the diffusion properties of I. X. and V-shaped sequences , and finds that the diffusion characteristics of bamboo QRD diffusers are significantly superior to that of hollow bamboo diffusers (>10%). In addition, QRD bamboo and hollow bamboo diffusers offer optimal diffusion performance when I-type with flutter, Design changes to the MLS sequence resulted in a combination Moso and Makino bamboo diffuser on the MLS with an I-type sequence that demonstrated diffusion performance superior to that of the Makino bamboo diffuser. As the bamboo length of the half-arc positive and negative sequence diffuser was shorter (17cm's), the diffusion properties was better (better than 33cm's and 67cm's). L= 17 and 67(cm) showed the greatest difference at 630 Hz (0.34). Different diameters of the half-arc positive and negative sequence diffuser bamboo(10,5, 3.5 and 2,5 cm) served as the variable for distance and flutter. Results showed scattering performance improved as the diameter of the bamboo diffuser increased.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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