


Using Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) to Reconstruct a Legal Hotel Buildings Fire Accident




紀人豪(Jen-Hao Chi);陳政洞(Cheng-Tung Chen);陳建忠(Chien-Jung Chen);陳玠佑(Jie-Yu Chen)


防火避難設施 ; 消防安全設備 ; 旅社 ; 火場數值模型 ; 濃煙 ; Fire Egress Facility ; Fire Protection Equipment ; Hotel ; Fire Numerical Model ; Smoke




80期(2012 / 06 / 01)


29 - 44




國內現有的老舊旅社是依據興建時的建築技術法規,在法律不溯既往的規定下,延用舊有的法規其公安檢查時雖然合法,但並不安全。業者往往忽視或受既有建築環境的限制,未能及時改善必要的防火避難設施及消防安全設備,讓老舊旅社潛藏著高危險性。一般旅社投宿人員大都來自外地,對於旅社環境並不熟悉,因此一旦發生火災,易造成嚴重人員傷亡。本研究以最新版的FDS 5.5+Evac 2.2電腦模擬程式,重建台北市白雪大旅社火災案例火場數值模型,詳細計算火場建築物溫度、濃煙、CO2濃度分佈,並深入分析人員避難逃生情形,以了解人員重大傷亡主因。根據電腦模擬結果濃煙流動的方向為火勢漫延的路徑,而濃煙擴散主要受到建築物通風情況的影響,二、三樓煙層高度於 245秒後已降至1.8m左右,此時人員逃生已相當困難,致使200室人員於 639秒後全部喪生。


According to the past Building Technical Regulations in Taiwan, the old-fashioned hotels are legal building in public security check. However, proprietor usually ignores or the old-building style limited, unimproved for the fire egress facility and fire protection equipment, increasing damage of risks for this type's buildings. The passengers from other place are unfamiliar with the hotel environment. Therefore, the occupant casualties are serious in the hotel building fire. This study using the latest version FDS 5.5+ Evac 2.2computer program to reconstruct the fire numerical models of fire accident at a Bai-Syue Hotel in Taiwan. The computational results demonstrated good prediction of fire impact parameters (temperature various, heavy smoke movement and CO concentration) and occupants unimpeded egress time by comparing fire scene forensic reports.According to the computer simulation results in the fire flames continuing and the fire smokes spreading shows the smoke layer height moved down to 1.8 meters above the ground in the 2nd floor and the 3th floor approximately 245 seconds after the fire started. At this point during the fire, the people would be very difficult to escape from fire site. For this reason, the three persons died at around 639 seconds after the fire started.

主题分类 工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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