Facing with threat of large scale disaster it is very important for residents to learn proper cognition for environmental risk, self rescue for disaster, disaster prevention perception and response ability for disaster. Due to the variation of ability for disaster prevention, reduction, preparedness and response show positive relation with disaster scale, frequency and experiences. This study aims to model residents' evacuation behavior by questionnaires and Logistic regression model considering related variables ex. residents' disaster prevention consciousness, hazard risk cognition, evacuation notices, escape from home decision, flood self rescue, fire self rescue, disaster experiences, earthquake and debris flow self rescue, disaster preparedness, and earthquake resilient building code. The results show the evacuation decision of residents are affected by disaster prevention consciousness, evacuation notices, escape from home decision, disaster experiences, and earthquake and debris flow self rescue. And Logistic regression model explains the top three higher odd ratio are disaster prevention consciousness (X1), evacuation notices (X3), and escape from home decision (X4). It is suggested that disaster prevention education and domestic disaster plan are able to enhance the comprehensive quality of disaster prevention. The well known of the plan the faster of evacuation decision will be made. Also it will affect the willingness of evacuation after disaster.
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